The Effects of Predict-Observe- Explain (POE) Approach on Students' Achievement and Attitudes Towards Science

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Janel P. Gernale
Fidela Q. Arañes
Virgil Duad


Lecture method, Predict-Observe-Explain (POE), Quasi experimental design, Students' achievement, Students' attitudes, education


This study determined the effectiveness of  Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Approach in enhancing  the achievement and attitude of grade five students towards  science Conducted  in Gonzalo Gatchalian Elementary  School-Las Piñas City in 2012,  it employed the repeated  measures two factors design. The dependent t-test was  used to  find the  significant differences and changes  between the two groups or within each group in terms of  achievement and attitude towards science.  Results suggest  that both the experimental group and the control group  registered significant differences and changes in terms of  achievement and attitude towards science. However, the  gain scores in the achievement and attitude revealed that  the students in the experimental group (POE) approach  performed better than the control group.

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