Kaemag, Wuhig, Pasak Duw Guyanganan (Air, Water, Land and Forests): The Manobo Eco-Literatures in Preserving Nature

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Fe S. Bermiso


Eco-Literature, Eco-knowledge, Ecocriticism, Preserving Nature, Manobo, education


This study aimed to gather and examine the oral literatures of the Manobo Tribe in Agusan del Sur, through the lens of ecocriticism, to be able to identify eco-knowledge in preserving nature. The qualitative design was used to gain an in-depth understanding of the way the Manobo interact with nature and of the specific eco-knowledge from 20 eco-literatures. Purposive sampling procedure was used in selecting the participants for Key Informant Interview (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Results showed that the Manobo eco-literatures contained the Manobo eco-knowledge of preserving air, water, land and forests. Development and validation of MTBL Education materials using the collected eco-litertures of the Manobo tribe is recommended. Documentation of oral and written literatures of other indigenous tribes is also recommended to fill in the dearth of materials from the locality. Further analysis of the collected Manobo literatures is alo recommended to find out if reconstruction of the once shattered environment is also captured in oral literatures of the Manobo tribe.

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