Assessment of Student Services in a State University for Policy Recommendations

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Emily M. Arangote


Assessment, policy recommendations, student services, education


This study assessed the implementation of student services of a State University for policy recommendation. The study utilized a descriptive research design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The respondents included 372 randomly-selected students from one state university. Results revealed that the university attended to the students' needs through the services offered by the Office of Student Affairs. Most of the students' rating on the effectiveness and the awareness of the services are at Very Good and Fair levels. The factors that contributed to these ratings are visibility of services and friendliness of staff. However, gaps were identified such as lack of infrastructure for residential services, and inadequate information dissemination. These gaps may be addressed by creating job placement opportunities and an alumni directory, installing stable internet connection, hiring of a doctor and a dentist for all campuses, conducting more multi-faith activities, improving access to offices and disseminating information promptly in order to improve the provision of services to the clientele.

Abstract 1030 | PDF Downloads 941


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