The Psychometrician Licensure Examinations (PmLE): Impact to the Behavioral Science Curriculum

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Peter Howard R. Obias


Behavioral Science Curriculum, National Center for Teacher Education, Professional Regulation Commission, Psychometrician Licensure Examination, education


This research determined the three year performance of the National Center for Teacher Education examinees in the Psychometrician Licensure Examinations. A purposive and stratified sampling determined those Psychology majors who took the first three years (2014- 2016) of the Psychometrician Licensure Examinations. Data culled from the published list of schools performance of the Psychometrician Licensure Examination under the provision of RA 8981 (PRC Modernization Act of 2000 Section 7) revealed that the trend in the number of examinees tended to increase, but this trend is matched by a decreasing passing rate. There were more examinees for the Psychometrician Licensure Examination in the succeeding years, but a gradual decrease is observed in the performance rate of passers. The University ranked 18th in the overall nationwide survey and currently belonged to the top 26 schools out of the 272 schools that took the licensure examinations. Moreover, the current curriculum of the Behavioral Science has been modified to improve the performance of the students in the licensure examination. Analysis of the curriculum also showed that there is a need to intensify the teaching of courses prescribed by the Professional Regulation Commission.

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