The Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Architectural Drafting Technology Program Tracer Study

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Karlo S. Sira
Ma. Analie M. Celda
Dominico Sergie O. Valenciana
Angelo C. Sobrepeña


architectural drafting technology, industrial technology, technology program, tracer study, education


The study aimed to trace the employment profile of the graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT), Two-Year Technical Course and Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) major in Architectural Drafting Technology (ADT) programs from 2008-2014 of one of the universities in Western Visayas, Philippines. A descriptive survey method was applied using a modified survey questionnaire to determine the participants' demographic profile, employment characteristics, and relatedness of the academic program as well as their retrospective evaluation. Snowball sampling identified 100 participants for the survey. Results showed that their educational experience is very relevant in their current workplace, especially their acquired skills in ADT. Furthermore, the study revealed that the majority of the participants were proud and satisfied graduates. They agreed that skills in knowledge and technical aspects were utilized to a great extent while the program contents are highly adequate. Hiring competent faculty member, updating physical facilities, instructional materials, and revising the curriculum may provide better service and produce more skilled technologists.

Abstract 1795 | PDF Downloads 747


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