Development and Validation of Efficacy Scale for Teachers

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Analyn C. Bituin
Antonio G. Dacanay


instrument development & validation, Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, teacher efficacy, education


The present study developed and validated an instrument on teacher efficacy. Thirty-seven (37) situational judgment items were developed capturing the seven domains of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and was administered to a total of 585 basic education teachers selected through purposive sampling. Analysis showed that all the items had acceptable discrimination indices ranging from .469 to .824. Reliability analysis suggested high internal consistency among items, signifying that items are measuring teacher efficacy. Validity evidences based on relations to other measures suggested that the newly developed instrument share common characteristics with Bandura's Teacher Efficacy Scale and measured a different construct from Batulan's Teacher Burnout Instrument. Given the challenges of the K-12 Basic Education Program, the instrument may serve as a pivot point in helping teachers think about the ways in which they approach tasks in their classrooms as they reflect on their personal assessment of competence.
Abstract 968 | PDF Downloads 758


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