School Heads' Use of Power in Empowering Northern Samar Teachers

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Marlo D. Alvarez


educational management, school heads' use of power, teacher empowerment, education


This study determined the influence of school head's use of power in empowering teachers in the Division of Northern Samar and the level of empowerment and school heads' use of power. A correlational research method using Pearson r correlation was used for parametric statistical analysis combined with qualitative-analytical approach. Questionnaire, observations and unstructured interviews collected data from 358 public school teachers sampled through stratified proportional. Results showed that teachers are highly empowered and their empowerment is significantly affected by school heads' use of power. Furthermore, it was determined that those school heads with high level of special managerial and leadership knowledge, ability to recommend merit for the outstanding performances, and opportunities for advancement, and high level of influencing compliancy have teachers who are good decision-makers regarding the curriculum. It is recommended that professional development program for school heads should be intensified and participation of teachers in school-based management should be strictly implemented and monitored.

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