Exploring Cross-linguistic Influence from L1 Tagalog to L2 English in Article Use

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Marites Mercado Abdon
Aireen Barrios


English articles, cross-linguistic influence, error analysis, Tagalog


The study examines the use of English articles among L1 Tagalog-speaking learners within the framework of cross-linguistic influence. The study employs a descriptive research approach using content analysis to explore the nature of errors in depth. Two stages of writing tasks were administered to purposively 42 pre-service teachers aged 16–18 over 15 weeks. Grounded in error analysis, the findings revealed that addition errors were most prevalent, explained through stimulated recall interviews. These results provided reflective insights into the learners' use of the L1 feature instead of the target language. The study also identified factors such as translation, overgeneralization of rules, misunderstanding of countability, and issues with specificity and definiteness. These findings shed light on the relevance of error analysis and cross-linguistic influence in understanding linguistic challenges, informing targeted instruction, and promoting focused practice on article usage. By addressing these issues, educators can enhance learners' English proficiency and foster culturally responsive language instruction in diverse classrooms.

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