Teaching Design Thinking Process with an Interactive Video-based Course to Vocational Students

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Patchara Eamcharoen


Design thinking process, interactive video-based course, vocational students


With Thailand 4.0's emphasis on innovation, this study explores using an interactive video-based course to facilitate innovation creation through design thinking for vocational students in Bangkok. This quasi-experimental pretest-posttest study aimed to develop a course using interactive video technology and evaluate its impact on students' knowledge, attitudes, skills, and satisfaction. Thirty purposively sampled vocational students, selected as an intact class with access to a computer class and laboratory, participated, with data collected through a preliminary survey, suitability and satisfaction questionnaires, and a design thinking process test. The course, developed in three phases, included needs analysis, expert reviews, implementation, and evaluation, with data analyzed using paired t-tests, mean standard deviation, and content analysis. Results showed significant improvements in students' knowledge and skills, aligning well with national educational goals and student needs. High satisfaction highlighted the effectiveness of interactive elements, though improvements in visual clarity were suggested. This study contributes evidence for interactive video technology's value in vocational education, recommending further research on factors influencing attitudes and optimal visual design.

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