Revalidating the teacher commitment scale in a sample of Indian teachers

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Sourav Choudhury
Vijay Kumar Chechi


Education, Exploratory Factor Analysis, India, scale revalidation, teacher commitment


The commitment among teachers is crucial since it impacts numerous educational and non-educational aspects,  thus warrants a valid tool to measure it. The study aimed to revalidate the Teacher Commitment Scale (TCS) developed by Vijay Kumar Chechi and Vikas Sharma in 2007. The five-dimensional 50-item scale was put through a rigorous validation process of content validation, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability testing while being administered among 580 school teachers chosen through a multi-stage stratified sampling method from five districts of West Bengal in a non-experimental design. The data analysis was run using SPSS and AMOS software. Although all five dimensions were retained, 29 items were deleted as they failed to yield acceptable cut-off values. The updated version with 21 items, with an acceptable reliable Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability value, makes this version of the Teacher Commitment Scale valid to measure the construct and assess the factors that influence it.

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