Authentic Assessment Practices of Geography Teachers in the Online Education

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Hanifah Mahat
Yazid Saleh
Mohamadisa Hashim
Nasir Nayan
Muhammad Ridzwan Bakri
Edi Kurniawan


authentic assessment, geography teacher, knowledge, practice, skills


This study aimed to determine the professional duty of Malaysian geography teachers to integrate authentic assessment into the teaching and learning process. Questionnaires were distributed online to 379 geography teachers at the secondary school level by a simple online snowball distribution method. Descriptive and ANOVA analyses were used to address each research question. The study's findings revealed that most teachers continued to assess their students using conventional methods. However, online assessment methods were also used in a small percentage of cases. Each variable possessed high knowledge, skills, and professional responsibility practice. Analysis of the relationship between the study variables and teachers' work experience indicated significant differences. In conclusion, the knowledge, skills, and professional responsibility practices associated with authentic assessment implementation were high during the teaching and learning process, and certain online assessment types were under-utilised. The study suggests that the Malaysian Ministry of Education should develop strategies and provide training to enhance the utilisation of various online assessment platforms.

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