Evaluating Community of Inquiry's effectiveness in online Science Instruction

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Denis Dyvee Errabo
Jorge Victor Sales


Community of inquiry, effect size, online Science instruction


The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has emerged as a pivotal model for online science instruction during the global shift to remote learning from 2020–2022. This meta-analysis evaluated its impact on academic achievement and students' behavior by systematically examining published articles (N=798) using Harzing's Publish or Perish© adhering to PRISMA© protocol. Effect sizes were calculated through Hedges' g and Random Effects Models, with heterogeneity evaluated using τ² and Q-statistics. The findings revealed a significant pooled random effect size (ES = 1.188, p < .0001), demonstrating a significant effect on academic achievement (ES = 2.026, p = .097) and a medium effect on students' behavior (ES = .611, p = .0001). CoI demonstrated significant potential in fostering meaningful academic and behavioral improvements in online learning, highlighting the need for targeted strategies to optimize its benefits and further explore its varied impact across diverse educational contexts.

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