Competence and Performance Analysis of Physical Education (PE) Teachers Using Modular Learning Delivery Modes

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Juvanie C. Lapesigue


competence, learning modality, senior high school, teaching performance


The delivery of education drastically changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing a weakness in the preparation of teachers for modular distance learning in Physical Education (P.E) classes. The mixed methods research investigated competency and performance among Senior high school PE teachers in Davao City, Philippines, in digital literacy, content delivery, and assessment. The study used a purposive sampling of 61 teachers with validated survey instruments and in-depth interviews. The findings demonstrated strong teaching performance (M=3.28) and digital literacy proficiency (M=4.06). However, the qualitative data highlighted significant challenges in module distribution and technological infrastructure issues. The study recommends improving technology infrastructure, creating development programs specifically for PE, and setting standard limits on the number of modules issued at a given time. Furthermore, the conversation around global educational resilience and adaptation is relevant for developing regions emerging from the pandemic and transitioning to blended learning practices and policies.

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