Towards Transitioning Internationalization of Teacher Education into the Post-Pandemic Era

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John Carlo M. Ramos
Maria Elvira A. Asuan
Leigh Brian B. Salivio
Christianus Ricardo A. Gobres
Cristina S. Cruz


COVID-19 pandemic, internationalization, mobility, teacher education


The study assessed the internationalization of teacher education institutions (TEIs) from eight Asian countries, focusing on their strategies and post-pandemic directions. Using a case study design, 14 international relations officers and 14 international students (IS) from 13 TEIs participated in interviews, and the data was analyzed using the strategic management model. Findings revealed that the shift to online modalities was a key internationalization strategy. Internationalization at home, which includes prioritizing well-being, integrating international dimensions into curricula, and investing in human resources and technology infrastructure, was highlighted. Post-pandemic, institutions see opportunities in expanding online and blended mobility, offering flexible program delivery, credit transfer schemes, and strengthening collaboration for recovery. These findings provide policy development insights to enhance ITE in the post-pandemic context.

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