Category Archives: Announcements

The Normal Lights Vol. 15, No. 1

The Publication Office is pleased to announce the publication of The Normal Lights 15(1), June 2021 issue. The issue features eight articles that highlights dimensions of education in the Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) themed as 1) revisiting the curricular dimensions (for teachers, the curriculum,…

Publication Office Newsletter (July to September 2019)

The Publication Office is pleased to present its latest issue of its newsletter for the third quarter of 2019. It underscores the activities held by the unit in collaboration with other offices such as: orientation on Online Commons for undergraduate students, Research Capability…

APHERJ 6(2) – August Issue

  Concretizing the notion on the improvement of practices in education, APHERJ 6(1) issue underscores distinct forms of research processes (action learning and action research, assessment and evaluation, and quantitative and experimental processes) scrutinized by the five research articles. Action learning and action…

Publication Office Newsletter (April to June 2019)

The PNU-Publication Office is delighted to present the newsletter featuring the unit’s milestone and all happenings for the second quarter. Visit our official website at  

The Normal Lights Vol. 13, No. 1

  The Philippine Normal University-Publications Office (PNU-PO) presents The Normal Lights 13(1) containing 11 articles influenced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution era or FIRe. Three of which are authored by our faculty, Prof. Reynald M. Cacho (PNU-South Luzon) for the article, “Facebook short…

Publication Office Newsletter (January to March 2019)

Check out this quarter’s issues at

Call for Papers: AsTEN

For more information visit

Call for Papers: APHERJ

For more information visit

Call for Papers: The Normal Lights

For more information please visit