Constructing the ASEAN Image through the Educational Curriculum of Selected National Network of Normal Schools (3NS) in the Philippines and Teacher Education Institutions among Members of ASEAN

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Zenaida Q. Reyes
Anita M. Navarro


ASEAN image, ASEAN identity, Culture, Heritage


Education is an important agency in building the ASEAN community. It is the main vehicle to raise ASEAN awareness, inspire the "we feeling" and create a sense of belonging and understanding of the richness of ASEAN history, languages, culture and human values. Education among young people is seen as the fastest and most effective means to create awareness and pride in being part of ASEAN. The logical promoters of this consciousness are the teachers who will transmit this need to be nurtured by the institutions that shaped their identities as teachers. Are these institutions responsive to ASEAN's demands for an integrated socio-cultural community? An examination of the Vision Mission Goals (VMGs) of selected ASEAN teacher training institutions indicates their efforts towards national development and internationalization - recognition and leadership in the region. Their respective curricula, particularly in the Humanities and Social Sciences show a strong promotion of national identity and a moderate focus on ASEAN, even though co-curricular or extra-curricular activities on ASEAN are rare. Interviews and discussions with students show a low level of consciousness as members of an ASEAN community. The faculty however has a clear understanding of belonging due to their multilayered social experiences in the ASEAN. All the participants however expressed their openness to constructing an ASEAN identity given the time for familiarization and more people to people engagements and interaction.

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