Green CHMSC bachelor of secondary education program: A baseline study on the graduates' performance

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Janet P. Espinosa


Secondary Education, Academic Achievement, Performance, Licensure Examination


This descriptive-correlational research ascertained the performance of the teacher education graduates in the licensure examination in relation to their academic achievement in major courses of the 813 Bachelor of Secondary Education graduates, with specialization in Mathematics, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), Physical Science and English who took the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) from 2008 – 2013. The graduates' performance in the LET was taken from a copy of the roster of examinees from the Professional Regulation Commission while their academic achievement was generated from the office of the Registrar. Documentary analysis, with the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance and Pearson's Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation were used to analyzethe data at 0.05 level of significance. For the Math and English groups, findings revealed that there were more graduates who passed than those who failed in the LET while the TLE and Physical Science groups showed otherwise. Generally, the graduates obtained a high level in the licensure exam and a very good academic achievement level. The graduates differed significantly in their level of performance and academic achievement when grouped as to area of specialization. No significant difference, however, was noted in their academic achievement, when grouped as to year of examination. Their academic achievement significantly influenced their performance in the licensure examination.
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