Perceived roles of cooperating teachers in student teachers' formation: Input to policy making

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Desiree B. Caceres


Perceived Roles, Cooperating Teachers, Student Teachers, Policy Making


Mainly this investigation sought to determine the perceived roles of the cooperating teachers in student teachers' formation. The study fused the quantitative – qualitative method of research utilizing student teachers, critic teachers, university Professional Education professors and university supervisors. The gathered data used the modified research instrument from which items were derived from the joint CHED and DepEd Order Guidelines in the Deployment of Pre-service Teachers under Experiential Learning Courses. Mean and standard deviation helped interpret quantitative data while thematic analysis qualitative data. Findings revealed that coaching, mentoring, being a role model and evaluating the performance of student teachers as well as honing their skills in lesson planning are some of the important roles expected of cooperating teachers, as perceived by the participants. These roles have contributed much to the development of student teachers. Thus, cooperating teachers greatly contributed to the formation and development of the student teachers professional growth. It is recommended then that the university provide more training to student teachers on campus before they are sent for off campus.
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