Pre-service science teachers' conceptions of the nature of science and its relationship to classroom practice

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Katherine P. Caga-anan
John Mitchell O'Toole


Nature of Science (NOS), Conceptions of the Nature of Science, Classroom/Teaching Practice


Certain significant tensions exist regarding relative international educational effectiveness. In the science education field such concerns churn around the extent of science understanding with which students leave school. There have been suggestions that this aspect of science literacy is related to how well teachers help students to understand the nature of science. Previous research indicates the existence of both naïve and sophisticated views of this among both teachers and students. However, little research exists regarding Filipino students preparing to teach science in a local and international fluid context, particularly how their views of the nature of science relate to their classroom teaching practices. Purposely, this qualitative study involving seven pre-service science teachers from a single institution in Mindanao, Republic of the Philippines, to better understand the relationship of teacher views of the nature of science and the way that they are taught science during their final teaching practice. Data are gathered through non-participant class observations, document (lesson plan, CT feedback), interview, and survey analysis. Findings reveal that: (a) These pre-service science teachers hold a mixture of naïve and sophisticated views of the nature of science; (b) Their views of science as empirically based (a potentially sophisticated view), were subject to strict method and producing absolute knowledge (naïve views) and transferred into their planning and delivery of practice lessons to a minor, but discernible extent; (c) As revealed in the interview and survey their views of science were more varied and sophisticated than those appearing from the lessons planned or observed. The implications of this study are significant because they support some indications in the literature that teacher conceptions can translate into practice. This suggests that change in the conceptions held by these teachers might lead to change in the experiences they offer to students in their classes.
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