Use and Acceptability of Kamote, Saluyot, Malunggay and Cacao in the Preparation of Chiffon Cake

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Alma M. Aliteg


Chiffon Cake, Jute (Saluyot), alunggay, Cocoa, Camote Tops


This study aimed to determine the use and acceptability of kamote, jute, and malunggay leaves powder in preparing cacao chiffon cake. The salient findings of the study yield that : (1) The three groups of respondents’ evaluation in the chiffon cake revealed that they “liked much”proportion 3 on 2 grams of kamote, malunggay, and saluyot leaves powder in terms of the given criteria as evidenced by the average weighted means of 4.33, 4.25 and 4.23. (2) There are no significant differences in three groups of respondents’, evaluation on the prepared chiffon cake with three proportions kamote, malunggay, and saluyot leaves powder as to the given criteria. The prepared cacao chiffon cake with three different proportions of kamote, saluyot, and malunggay leaves powder are all acceptable to the teenagers, young adults, and adults.

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