Education and Ethnicity: A Phenomenology from the Lens of the Indigenous Peoples of Camarines Sur

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Marisol D. Andrada
Joy S. Magalona
Luisito T. Evangelista


achieving success, education, ethnicity, Filipino phenomenology, Indigenous Peoples (IPs)


Indigenous peoples (IPs) belong to the marginalized group for their unique ways of living, practices, beliefs, and physical characteristics. Stereotyped as uneducated and uncivilized discriminates them in the society. Looking into the Indigenous Peoples’ recent situation, particularly in earning a college degree, is timely and relevant. This qualitative phenomenological study was conducted with purposely selected 10 Indigenous Peoples of Camarines Sur, as participants who underwent in-depth interviews. A conceptualization called Success Triad, consisting of (a) apprehensions (b) perseverance (c) acceptance emerged from the participants’ insightful narration of their lived experiences. The findings in this research may serve as inspiration in achieving success despite challenges and obstacles. This paper highlights the role played by education in the lives of Indigenous Peoples. It may also serve as an empirical basis for future endeavors in understanding the plight of Indigenous Peoples and how to best address their needs in attaining education for self-determination.
Abstract 35864 | PDF Downloads 1130


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