Episodes of forms and reasons of code-switching in facebook posts

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Lyzyl Lopez Banuag


Code-switching, Facebook, multilinguals, textual analysis, qualitative research


This study examined the phenomenon of code-switching embedded in the 51 instances Facebook posts and comments of Filipino of multilingual users. Employing qualitative research design and purposive sampling of ten participants, data were gathered through screenshots and online interviews and analyzed by classifying posts according to formations and sorting reasons according to themes. Results showed that the forms of code-switching in Facebook posts are tag, and intra-word. The reasons behind this linguistic phenomenon are to talk on a particular topic, provide emphasis about a message, express group identity, clarify speech content, meet a real lexical need, exclude others, indicate emotion, express their emotions, and keep up with linguistic trend. These forms and reasons implied that Facebook influences the language use of netizens in their cyber communication and fortified the prevalence of code-switching as an online linguistic phenomenon.
Abstract 1065 | PDF Downloads 1124


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