Effectiveness of multi-level materials in overcoming reading difficulties among grade IV pupils

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Juliet S. Trujillo


Multi-level Materials, Reading Difficulties, Experimental Research Design, Philippine Informal Reading Inventory


Learning to read is critical to a child's success in school in that it increases the literacy rate of the society. But, not all children experience the rewards and joys of literacy, hence the need to customize the instruction to suit students' strengths and weaknesses. Purposely, this study sought to determine the effectiveness of multilevel materials in overcoming reading difficulties among Grade IV pupils of La Granja Elementary School, Division of La Carlota City. True Experimental research design using the pre-test-post-test control group was conducted to 60 pupils randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Data were gathered through the use of Philippine - Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) to assess the reading difficulties of the subjects. The experimental group made use of multi-level materials, while the control group had purely lecture-discussion with the same number of minutes and subject matter or topics in experiment. The statistical tools used were the frequency distribution and percentage, mean and t-test. Significant difference was noted between the level of reading difficulties of pupils in experimental group, before and after the experiment. However, there was no significant difference between the level of reading difficulties of pupils in control group, before and after the experiment. The study yielded that the multi-level materials as an intervention in overcoming reading difficulties among Grade IV was very effective. Multi-level materials used were recommended to all concerned in enhancing the mastery of reading skills. In view of the above findings, the multi-level materials were recommended to all concerned in enhancing the mastery of reading skills.
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