Development of a Salt Production Apparatus

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Estrella C. Macabutas
Ruden G. Bracero
Merbien A. Batiller


Salt production, salt, solar drying


This study designed and fabricated a salt-producing apparatus capable of operating in all seasons and be able to produce salt in a short duration of time, and, of quality comparable to traditional solar drying. For an average brine salinity of 3.27 percent (by weight), the average production output was 325.84 grams of salt from an input of 8.5 liters. For three hours of operation 15.08 kilograms of fuel was used, with drying chamber operating temperature ranging from 29 to 108 degrees Celsius. From data obtained, the drying performance was 82 %. Cost analysis showed a payback period of 2.5 years. The salt production apparatus is highly recommended for use by the local community, and perhaps by massive salt producers.

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