Exploring the Effects of Alternative Biodesel Feedstocks on Government-Mandated Emission Levels for Compression-ignition Engines

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Carlos E. Zapanta


effects of alternative biodiesel feedstocks, biodiesel, government mandated, emission levels, compression-ignition engines, Biodesel, feedstock, compression-ignition engine, emission, unadditized diesel, Moringa, Jathropa, waste cooking oil


The use of biofuels, specifically biodiesel, is becoming popularfor a couple of reasons: because the resource is renewable and in view of implementing fully the Philippine Biofuels Law signed in 2006. However, a clamor persists to further increase the biodiesel content in the diesel blend, most especially for public transport to improve air quality. Unfortunately, the increase of biodiesel in the blend will require more feedstocks; hence, this study intends to assist policymakers in identifyingalternative biodiesel feedstocks. Biodiesel from such feedstocks as Moringa, Jatropha and waste cooking oil had been blended withunadditized diesel fuel. Each fuel blend was tested at different speeds in a four-stroke, single-cylinder compression-ignition engine integrated with an exhaust gas analyzer to determine the levels of emissions,compared to using unadditized diesel fuel. Results showed that using the fuel blends lowers the exhaust emission in compression-ignition engines. In sum, using the alternative biodiesel feedstocks (Moringa, Jatropha, and waste cooking oil) will promote cleaner ambient air.

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