Ten Years of Undergraduate Psychological Researches in Rizal Technological University : An Analysis from 2001 to 2010

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Rodrigo de la Paz Tomas


Rizal Technological University, Ten years of Undergraduate Psychological Researches


This archival research study primarily focuses on the ten (10) year undergraduate psychological researches conducted by theDepartment of Psychology, Rizal Technological University, from 2001 to 2010. It accounts for the progress of psychological researches being conducted by undergraduate students particularly in terms of (1) the demographics of research participants utilized in the study, (2) their methodological research design used in (i.e., research framework, research design and instruments), and (3) the trends/topics of psychological research. Two-hundred-and-three (203) undergraduate psychological researches were obtained and content analyzed based on the three important categories. As to participant demographics, the studies utilized a mix sample in terms of age and gender. Also, the majority of the studies made use of student population. As regards research design, the studies were likely inclined to employ a descriptive-exploratory research design that is quantitative in nature, their research framework based on a research paradigm resembling an I-P-O approach. As such, they yielded that the majority developed a researcher-constructed measure (scale or interview schedule) to collect the data being investigated. On trends/topics of psychological researches, many of the studies slanted towards educational and industrial-organizational psychology. Recommendations are provided for a future discourse of undergraduate psychological research.

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