Assessment of the ladderdized bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Technology Curriculum of Benguet State University

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Elvena P. Belino


Ladderized Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneur Technology (BSET), Batangas State University


In assessing the ladderized BSET curriculum of the Benguet State University (BSU), these aspects were studied: employment profile of the respondents, attainment of objectives, satisfaction level of employers and industry partners, competence level of the BSET trainees, relevance of the curricular offerings, influence of the curriculum in the attainment of competencies, adequacy of school facilities, in- school and in-plant training experiences, OJT grade and GWA and the problems felt in implementing the curriculum.

A structured survey questionnaire, interview and observation were used to gather pertinent data from forty-six employed and 21 unemployed for reasons of housekeeping, closure, retrenchment and lay off, among others.

The employers, industry partners and graduates perceived that the objectives of the curriculum were attained, but the teachers, however, perceived then to be moderately attained. The employers and industry partners felt were very satisfied with the graduates manipulation skills, personal, social qualities and managerial skills.

The curricular offering had a moderate influence in the development of BSET graduates competencies. The facilities provided were adequate and provided moderate satisfaction. The BSET graduates were very satisfied in their in-school and in-plant training experiences, with the mean of their OJT grades registered higher than their GWA. School-related problems affected the implementation of the curriculum.

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