Creative Problem Solving of HEI Academic Managers: Implications for Management Intervention Program

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Roderick L. Almario


Centro Escolar University, creative problem solving, academic managers, management and intervention program


This study confirmed that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Asia and the Pacific was convergent that promote routinized capacities and not on indigenous knowledge. This is a descriptive research survey that determines the differences of Basadur's Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Styles (generator, conceptualizer, optimizer and implementer) by personal profile (age, gender, highest educational attainment, marital status and years of experience in the HEI). Centro Escolar University (CEU) academic managers for SY 2013-2014 participated in this study. Frequency, percentage, ANOVA, t-test were utilized in analyzing the data. Findings indicated that CEU academic managers were distinct and unique convergent (optimizers and implementers) and not divergent (generator and conceptualizer) academicians regardless of personal profile. They are efficient in implementation of organizational objectives efficiently without considering the human ingenious works. The implications were identified and particular intervention training program for employee productivity was designed for management consideration. It is also recommended to increase the number of divergent academic managers in considering indigenous knowledge for sustaining global poverty reduction.

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