Cement Plaster Proportioning Suitable for Sands from Different Sources in Batangas Province

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Mark Anthony S. Ilustre
Janine M. Maullion
Camille Bianca S. Rado
Ernesto C. Magundayao


Proportioning, plaster, concrete, local sand, construction materials


Crack development on plaster specimens of sands from Calaca, Lobo and Laurel was investigated to evaluate the suitability of different cement-sand-water proportioning mixes. Specific gravity, fineness modulus and percent water absorption were measured for each sand specimen. Both qualitative and quantitative laboratory and field tests were conducted on specimens proportioned as per ACI and ASTM C-926 requirements. Specimens for laboratory and field tests were made for each workable proportion for each sand source. The lengths and widths of observed cracks were measured in the laboratory specimens subjected to various temperatures and in field specimens at various durations after installation. Results point to cementsand-water proportioning is the primary factor that determines the cracking behaviour of cement plaster; and to the 1: 4: 1 ½ , 1: 2 ¼ : 1 and 1: 3: 1 ½ as the best proportioning for sand from Calaca, Laurel and Lobo, respectively.

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