Electronic Bio-hazard Waste Disposal Device

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Ma. Erlyn L. Eroles
Revelina C. Ansay
Irish Nelly A. Dela Cruz
Alvin John M. Macale
Shiela C. Ongtangco


Bio-hazard waste, disposal, electronic, device


The study developed an electronic waste bin for bio-hazard wastes. It is a common knowledge that medical wastes that are not properly disposed can bring huge damage to the environment as well as to the health of the people. The waste bin was designed to segregate different medical waste such as those expired pharmaceutical products, sharp tools and solid infectious disposable waste as well as to discern its acceptability in terms of its functionality and environment safety. The design set up of the study includes the principle of sensor technology such as liquid leak detector and proximity sensor incorporated to prevent contamination in opening the bin. An infrared proximity collision sensor used for automatic opening and closing of the bin to minimize the chance of infection through contact on the bin and provides automatic sealing of each bag to prevent bacteria spread-out. The device takes up to 3 seconds to open the bin automatically and 13.5 inches maximum level capacity in order to seal the garbage bag inside it, it also indicates what type of waste should be thrown in each bin whether biodegradable, non-biodegradable and pathological waste. Based on the findings it has been concluded that the study satisfied its objectives based on the result gathered where the respondents agreed in terms of functionality and environmental safety to be highly effective.

Abstract 393 | PDF Downloads 171


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