Weeds and Herbs as Biofumigants Against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. causing Stem and Root Rot of Robusta Coffee Seedlings

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Edralyn Catubay
Edna M. Jover


biofumigation, Robusta coffee, Sclerotium stem and root rot, Sclerotium rolfsii


The study explored the properties of weeds and herbs as biofumigants against stem and root rot of robusta coffee seedlings. All the 10 test biofumigants used significantly reduced population density (cfu/g of soil) of S. rolfsii (Sr) after one month of biofumigation. Delayed symptom of stem and root rot (SRR) disease was manifested by Ceylon spinach- biofumigated soil at 19 days after transplanting (DAT) while the untreated plants were infected earliest at 8 DAT. Ceylon Spinach - and Lemongrass - biofumigated plants exhibited the lowest and comparable percentage infection (PI) of 40.00 and 35.00, respectively. Similar trend was observed on percentage severity infection (%SI). All biofumigants exhibited significantly higher percentage degree of control (%DC) compared to the untreated control. Ceylon Spinach and Lemongrass biofumigants were rated very effective (VE) while the other treatments were rated effective (E) except wild sunflower which was rated moderately effective (ME). Biomass of Ceylon Spinach and Lemongrass were the cost- effective biofumigants to manage SRR of Robusta coffee seedlings in the nursery.
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