Personal Computer (PC)-Based Flood Monitoring System using Cloud Computing

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Grant B. Cornell


PC-Based Flood Monitoring System, Cloud Computing, sensor, water level, gateway, PIC


Urban cities in the Philippines are prone to floods. Every year, lives and properties are taken away by flood without warning. The aim of this research is to design a system that can monitor the water level using sensors and sends an alert level text message to barangay officials of the affected area. The computer program keeps track of the measurement of the water level from time to time and creates a record into a database. Clickatell's global short message service (SMS) gateway has been effectively used for sending the mobile communication data through Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC), a form of small computer commonly used to process data coming from sensing devices and then display the result for processing. The warning system is a quick method of alerting people of the coming danger brought about by these natural phenomena fast enough compare to manual monitoring used in the past. The prototype can be easily integrated into a computer program that will help the system in monitoring timelines and water level using PIC integrated circuits (ICs). Furthermore, the system as communication environment, broadcast information in the form of recorded data in the database. In this manner, many individuals are informed and are given warnings on the dangers brought by floods.
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