The Management Practices of Selected Natural Area Tourism Sites in Cebu Province

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Ruby S. Melchor


Sustainable tourism management, socio-cultural sustainability, social equity, community well-being, community participation


This study explored the extent of sustainable tourism management practices in sociocultural sustainability as assessed by administrators, policy formulators, policy implementers, and civic organizations of selected natural area tourism sites in Cebu Philippines. The results reveal that the four groups of respondents practiced sustainable tourism management in their respective eco-sites; thus, from administrators to civic organizations, there is consistency in their plans that reflect the same practices. Effective approaches to achieve sustainability means implementing a combined focus in the areas of social equity and community well-being. There is then a significant consideration to provide alternative livelihoods for the disadvantaged by applying strategies that address this particular concern. Supporting an adherence to the community-based tourism approach, this study recommends that further studies on community participation be conducted to achieve sociocultural sustainability.

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