Profile and Academic Performance in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) of Grade 8 Learners: Inputs to Learning Recovery in the Philippines

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Ma. Ada Dela Rosa Dela Cruz


Academic performance, learning recovery, profile, Technology and Livelihood Education


The study investigated the relationship between the profile and academic performance of Grade 8 learners in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). It utilized descriptive correlation through survey questionnaires, and data were collected from 41 high school students. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and correlational measures, such as Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Eta coefficient test, were employed. Results revealed that the students’ preferred perceptual learning style was auditory, while group learning was the least preferred. The students also agreed that they were motivated to learn the different aspects of the subject. The other profile variables showed that most participants were female and mostly received academic learning support from their parents and guardians at home. Lastly, the majority of them were exposed to printed learning delivery modality. The correlation tests identified sex and type of learning delivery modalities as the only two profile variables positively yet weakly correlated with the student's academic performance.

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