Teacher self-efficacy through achievement goals, instructional strategies, and student engagement in the Philippine setting

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Elgien C. Padohinog
Belinda A. Liwanag
Nilda W. Balsicas


achievement goals, instructional strategies, student engagement, teacher-efficacy


Teachers with positive levels of self-efficacy are exposed to new teaching methods that can display a good level of planning and solve problems, especially when faced with more challenging goals. The study aims to investigate the self-efficacy of the achievement goals, instructional strategies, and student engagement of the teachers in the Philippine setting. Convenience sampling was chosen with 139 teachers in the Philippines. An online survey questionnaire was used in this study, whereas data were analyzed with weighted mean and one-way analysis of variance. Analysis revealed that student engagement has become the most positive indicator of teacher self-efficacy among the variables. The results also showed that teachers indicate a significant positive relationship among achievement goals, instructional strategies, and student engagement which assumes their strong development. The study suggested that teachers may capitalize on the essential needs and interests of the students for active and cooperative learning.

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