Impact Pathway Analysis and Sustainability Evaluation of Microfinance Projects in Goa, Camarines Sur, Philippines

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Ariel N. Delfino


Camarines Sur, Impac, Pathway Analysis, Microfinance, Review of Outcomes to Impact (ROtI), Sustainability Evaluation


Due to the remarked efficacy of microfinance on poverty reduction and tenable development, this study evaluated the sustainability of microfinance projects (MPs) implemented by two purposively selected microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Goa, Camarines Sur using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Impact pathway (IP) analysis showed that MP components were causal in attaining the desired outcomes. Analysis employing the difference-in-difference approach to quantify the economic impact (EI) of the MPs to the household beneficiaries (HBs) revealed an increase in business profitability before and after availing of MP, from 2010-2013.Utilizing MP has 9.80% positive impact to the economic condition of HBs. With the review of outcomes to impact (ROtI) based on IP analysis, it was found out that due to some factors hampering or contributing to the productivity of microfinance operations, the extent of sustainability of the MFIs regarding financial, socio-political and economic aspects are highly likely, while likely for institutional aspects.

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