Effects of Contextualization on the Reading Comprehension Performance of Filipino Learners

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Ruel T. Bonganciso


Contextualized learning approach, reading comprehension, experimental design


Contextualizing reading comprehension  instruction places the learners in a vivid  and meaningful authentic situation.  Contextualization can be done through  designing the reading lessons and activities  that center on the learners' field of  interests and environment. The present  study attempts to determine the effects  of Contextualized Teaching and Learning  on reading comprehension performance  of the learners. There were thirty-three  (33) Bachelor of Science in Information  Technology learners who participated in this  quasi-experimental study. A researcher-made  reading comprehension test was used to  measure the learners' reading comprehension  performance. Results revealed that the  reading comprehension performance of the  learners during pretest is within the average  (M=9.12, SD=2.56), and the posttest result is  above average rating (M=12.91, SD=2.38).  Furthermore, there was a significant increase
of the reading comprehension performance  of the students from pretest to posttest.  Hence, contextualizing the reading tasks  of the learners has positive effects on their  comprehension performance. Contextualized  teaching and learning is recommended in  helping learners improve their performance  in reading.

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