Problem-Based Learning Approach in Preservice Teachers: Untold Stories

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Everlou E. Maquiling


critical thinking skills, mathematics performance, problem-based learning


Problem-based learning (PBL) fosters critical thinking skills (CTS) vital for achieving quality education for all (Sustainable Development Goals 4). This study investigates the experiences of purposely selected 20 first-year non-STEM mathematics preservice teachers at a State University in Negros Occidental in a PBL setting. This study employed concurrent triangulation mixed research methods and data collected through pre-tests, post-tests, and interviews. Pre-test results showed that the students were in the lower levels of CTS and performance in linear, quadratic, and polynomial functions problems. Most were Challenged Thinkers and performed at a minimal level. Post-test results showed that students improved their performance to Very Satisfactory as their level of CTS to be Advanced Thinkers. Focus group discussions (FGD) emphasized students' experiences with PBL. Results showed that PBL enhanced students' CTS and performance through exciting and challenging math problems, yet students find it tiring and time-consuming. They prefer teachers explaining step-by-step solutions.

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