Students' Growth Mindset, Motivation, and Mathematics Performance: A Correlational Study

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Geo Albert B. Bravo
Bernadeth G. Nobles


growth mindset, fixed mindset, motivation, mathematics performance, COVID-19


This study examined the correlation between students' mindset and motivational constructs, such as intrinsic and utility values, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and test anxiety, on their mathematics performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers used a quantitative approach and gathered data from 310 randomly selected Grade 11 students attending public secondary schools in Quezon City. Findings indicated that many students possessed a fixed mindset during the pandemic, yet they demonstrated motivation in mathematics amidst the COVID-19 situation. Growth mindset and other motivational constructs, such as intrinsic value, utility value, self-efficacy, and self-regulation, showed positive correlations with mathematics performance. At the same time, test anxiety displayed a negative and very weak relationship. Empirical evidence highlights the vital role of a growth mindset and motivational factors in students' mathematics performance, even in challenging circumstances like the pandemic. Recommendations include implementing growth mindset interventions in the classroom and providing engaging activities to sustain students' motivation.

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