Effects of Socio-emotional Learning Interventions before and after Pandemic: A Comparative Literature Review

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Joan Adrian C. Tabalanza
Marjet B. Singh
Adelaida A. Edris
Malvin R. Tabajen


comparative literature review, COVID-19, socio-emotional learning, interventions


Despite the large number of studies on the benefits of socio-emotional learning (SEL) to student outcomes, its effects during the pandemic and how these differ in terms of period are understudied. This systematic literature review aims to compare the effects of SEL interventions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. After using three databases and a study selection and quality assessment process, 40 empirical studies were included: 30 under pre-pandemic period and 10 under during pandemic period. Results revealed that the SEL interventions were still vastly positively influencing students across four learning domains in both periods. Cognitive effects were dominant across domains. Programs and strategies were dominant across intervention types. The findings indicate that SEL continues to be relevant especially in times of crisis and its implementation deserves continuity. However, issues with research design, construct validity, and study selection process are discussed to improve this review.

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