Development of Study Habits Inventory for Filipino High School Students

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Aireen L. Lopez



Filipino psychologists advocate the development of instruments that will suit the needs, background, and language of the Filipinos. This study aims to develop a Study Habits Inventory for Filipino High School students using the exploratory sequential mixed methods research design. For the qualitative phase of the study, the researcher conducted interviews to explore and identify the study habits of Filipino high school students. Results from the qualitative data analysis were used to develop the items of the inventory. After the content validation, reliability analysis, and application of Exploratory Factor Analysis, four domains were extracted and 45 items were considered valid. The four domains are reliable with Cronbach's alpha ranging from .77 to .789. Study Habits Inventory for Filipino High School Students can be used to assess study habits of Filipino high school students in terms of application of learning strategies and techniques; self-regulation; goal-orientation; and influence of mood.

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