Registered Nurses perception on Continuing Nursing Education

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Carlo Bryan C. Borrico


Continuing professional development, Nurses


This study aimed to investigate the registered nurses' perception towards Continuing Nursing Education (CNE). A cross sectional descriptive survey design and stratified sampling was utilized to select 77 participants who have at least 1-year hospital experience, currently employed in both public and private hospitals within Pampanga, and must be Registered Nurse. Frequency distribution was used to present the distribution of the participant’s socio-demographic profile, previous involvement on CNE, motivating factors and hindering factors in pursuing CNE. For the result, it is heartening to see that most participants were voluntarily participating in CNE even though it was self-financed. Most of them reported increasing qualifications for promotion as their major motivating factors while high course fees, limited time, and unavailability of preferred courses as hindering factor. As education and training are important pedagogy in providing quality care, World Health Organization placed importance on the need for strategic planning with regard to continuing nursing education for nurses.
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