EXPO: Self-Development Training Program to Introduce Emotional Competence for First-Year Psychology Students

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Miryam Wedyaswari
Millati Syamila
Devita Ratna Widowati


adjustment to university, emotional competence, emotional intelligence, experiential learning, first-year student, training program


Emotional competence is an influencing factor for an academic adjustment. Therefore, an orientation program facilitating those competency is needed for first-year students. The training was designed to help them understand emotional competence. This study examined whether the EXPO: Self Development Training Progam could improve knowledge about emotional competence. This study used pre-experimental design. Participants were all first-year students in psychology major (n=155; M=31; F=124), while emotional competence was assessed by using Goleman’s Emotional Competence Inventory (R=.879). The Wilcoxon signedrank test was used to analyze before and after programs’ data. There was a statistically significant knowledge improvement in the students’ emotional competence following the EXPO program (z=?4.068, p<.05), with a medium effect size (r=.33) with the highest improvement found in empathy (z=9.248, p<.05, r=.75). The emotional competence intervention efficacy study should be offered to use a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design to generalize the overall effectiveness of the intervention program.
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