Essential Newborn Care Practice in Selected Puerto Princesa City Government Health Facilities: The Birthing Attendants’ Adoption of the Selected DOH AO 2009-0025 Protocol

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April Grace R. Ortega
Rhodora C. Manalon
Jeanie DC. Mangcucang
Julieta P. Wy


Essential Newborn Care, AO 2009-0025, birthing practice, skin-to-skin, breastfeeding benefits


This study used a descriptive observational method to objectively illustrate how Essential Newborn Care (ENC) of the Department of Health (DOH) Administrative Order 2009- 0025 (AO 2009-0025) was practiced at the City Health Office (CHO) in 2012. The aims of the study were to determine if the four principles of ENC are met through the identification of the selected specific guidelines of DOH ENC in the first one and a half hours of the neonate’s life. The time period was divided into 0 - 30 seconds, 31-90 seconds, 90 seconds to 3 minutes, 3 minutes to 90 minutes.

 During the first 30 to 90 seconds of the ten deliveries: 80% placed the neonate prone on mother’s abdomen, 40% covered the neonate with a clean dry cloth; head with a bonnet and 100% did not wipe the cheesy-like substance and kept the mother and child together. In the first 3 minutes and 90 minutes of neonate’s life, all steps of AO 2009-0025 were followed except for continuous mother and infant skin-to-skin contact.  One  hundred  percent  of the participants did not perform routine suctioning and did not give pre-lacteals. Based on the observations, the time-bounded interventions of the ENC of the DOH at the CHO were partially followed. Therefore, the four principles of ENC were partially met.


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