An Initial Analysis on the Young Marx’s Theory of Human Nature and Slum Space

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Praksis A. Miranda
Enrico B. Garcia
Josia Ramuel G. Narca
Timothy James L. Cipriano


Space maximization, slum settlements, urban areas, Young Marx’s Theory of Human Nature, Young Marx


This study seeks to address the absence in global literature of researches that utilize the initial thoughts of the Young Marx, specifically his Theory of Human Nature, in explaining slum space maximization techniques. This research employed descriptive-qualitative interviews with purposively-sampled families in an informal settlement area in Manila. By exploring the congruence of the Theory of Human Nature of the Young Marx with the actual slum space maximization strategies of families in a real slum area, the study gave initial empirical evidence to the theory.  In  line with the Duterte Administration’s thrust for infrastructure establishment, socialized housing with good  materials  must  be  built  in relocation areas in CALABARZON.  But  this must go hand in hand with livelihood assistance and jobs creation in the resettlement areas so that the informal  dwellers  will  not be inclined to return to their old slum spaces  in the overpopulated, space-deprived city. A holistic and humanistic approach to planning resettlement or relocation areas is needed.

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