The Ethnoastronomical Beliefs of Mangyan Indigenous People: Case of Iraya Tribe in Occidental Mindoro

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Arlon P. Cadiz
Bernardita M. Rosales
Luisito T. Evangelista
Romeo Maligaya


Ethnoastronomical beliefs, Iraya Tribe, Mangyan Indigenous People


This study explored the ethnoastronomical beliefs of Mangyan of the Iraya tribe in Occidental Mindoro. The ethnographic research design using unstructured tape-recorded interview directed the collection of data from the key informants. The findings revealed that Irayas have ethnoastronomical beliefs and practices particularly in planting, courtship and marriage, pregnancy and giving of birth, and spirits & sickness. It was also found out that only elders are the ones practicing these beliefs while the children and teenagers are not aware of such. The preservation of these cultural beliefs is challenged by many factors and seems to vanish when not given much attention. Despite the limited information provided in this study, this hopes to contribute to the additional knowledge about the ethnoastronomical beliefs of Mangyans in the country. Mainstream communities and government authorities should extend efforts and take the right actions in providing educational programs to nurture the beliefs of the Iraya tribe
Abstract 2390 | PDF Downloads 2775


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