Perceptions on the water quality of Marikina River of selected riverbank residents of Barangays Manggahan and Santolan, Pasig City, Philippines

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Lloyd O. Balinado
Sheila Marie D. Bahia
Rizza Mae Manzano
Joshua Jerro Cuibillas


Likert scale, Marikina River, river activities, water pollution, water quality


Marikina River is in the state of water deterioration and monitoring its water quality is necessary and timely. This paper generally determined the perceptions on the river quality of selected residents of Barangays Manggahan and Santolan, Pasig City, Philippines. Survey questionnaires using Likert scale were utilized in the study. Data gathered from a total of 96 participants revealed that they generally agreed that the water quality of Marikina River has changed over the past years as based on the number and variety of trees near and in the river, its ability to support wildlife, its cleanliness and safety for swimming and drinking, its trash and sewage composition, its turbidity, and its smell. These descriptions were in addition to the changes in various activities they generally were performing before. These findings suggest that the poor water quality of the river could be addressed through various conservation and restoration efforts to bring Marikina River back to its natural conditions.

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