The Use of Tracer Study in Improving Undergraduate Programs in the University

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Lijueraj J. Cuadra
Ma. Rachel Kim L. Aure
Gretchen L. Gonzaga


curricular enhancements, employment status, graduate tracer studies, undergraduate curriculum


Every academic institution's goal is to produce competent and highly qualified graduates that can eventually be competitive in a local and global arena. A graduate tracer study is a very powerful tool that can provide valuable information for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of the graduates in the workplace. This study aimed to keep track of the graduates in one of the state universities in the Philippines. A total of 1,983 graduates responded to this study. A structured survey questionnaire served as instrument to gather data interpreted through frequencies and percentages. Results revealed that most of the graduates were in their early 20s and have just recently graduated from the university. Furthermore, they were able to find a job through someone they knew. Most of the graduates have jobs related to their respective degree programs. Relevance of the degree program to professional requirements was a major strength of the undergraduate curriculum. However, the study identified extra-curricular activities and a number of optional subjects as areas that need improvement. To enrich the existing degree programs, the institution has to focus on student mobility, credit transfers, quality assurance and research clusters as the four main priorities to harmonize with the ASEAN higher education system.

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