Hope and Gratitude: Potential Springboard to Develop Work Values of Young Adult Learners

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Lorizza Mae P. Gacott


gratitude, hope, work values, young adult, learners, 21st century skills


This action research explored the origin of underdeveloped work values among young adult learners. With the aim of designing appropriate intervention, the researcher anchored on Plan-Act-Reflect Paradigm, and gathered qualitative data using observation and interview among 20 young adult learners enrolled in technical vocational education and training (TVET) institution. Qualitative analysis revealed that perceived limitations and hopeless mindset characterized by lack of agency and pathways thinking interfere with the development and demonstration of positive work values. Grounding on Hope Theory, an intervention was designed to incorporate hope-fostering activities to personality development course, locally termed as Individual Excellence Program. Analysis of post-intervention evaluation through participants' reflective writing indicates heightened self-awareness and reframed perspective. The theme, gratitude, also emerged as potential factor to foster desirable work values. Integration of positive psychology concepts in education and TVET curriculum is therefore suggested to educators, policy-makers and school counselors.
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