University selectivity and student retention: Evidence from the IPEDS data

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Yue Xu
Baoqing Cheng


ACT Score, Faculty Number, Student Retention, University Selectivity


Using the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary  Education Data System) Data, this project  examines: (1) the relationship between  university selectivity and student retention;  (2) whether college freshmen's ACT scores  mediate the relationship between University  selectivity and student retention; and (3)  whether average number of full-time faculty  moderates the relationship between  university selectivity and student retention.  The results suggest that: (1) university
selectivity is positively correlated with  student retention; (2) college freshmen's ACT  scores fully mediate the relationship between  University selectivity and student retention;  (3) average number of full-time faculty does  not moderate the relationship between  university selectivity and student retention.

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